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ePlus & Varonis and Protect your data first, not last

For many businesses, their most valuable data is also their most vulnerable data.  Why?

Cybersecurity didn’t start with data. It started at the borders, where attackers should be held at bay, far from precious data at the heart of the kingdom. The security perimeter has vanished. Endpoints are fungible. Very little data lives only on your phone or laptop these days.

ePlus & Varonis protect data where it lives. Our Data Security Platform tackles hundreds of use cases and is the ultimate platform to stop data breaches and ensure compliance.

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Copilot Readiness Assessment

Is your team ready to harness the power of Microsoft Copilot? Before you rollout this AI tool, it’s important to ensure your data is secure so it stays out of the wrong hands. ePlus & Varonis offer a free Copilot Readiness Assessment that provides a clear, risk-based view of your company data that reveals how AI tools could be used by threats to access your information.

See a sample readiness assessment >>

Key Findings From Hundreds of Data Security Posture Assessments

To assess the true state of data security within hybrid cloud environments, Varonis analyzed 15 billion files and more than one billion folders by reviewing 180,000 accounts from over 300 organizations to create the DSPM Snapshot report. Findings included that almost 50% of files shared will all users contain sensitive information.

Read the full report and see how you can protect your org.

Data Risk Assessment

Is your sensitive data protected from today’s threats? Find out and get started with ePlus & Varonis’ Data Risk Assessment.

  • Uncover critical data security risks
  • Get a clear path to remediation
  • Get started in minutes
  • 100% Free, no strings attached

Get meaningful security outcomes, without manual effort.


Real-time visibility

  • Discover and classify critical data
  • Map and visualize your blast radius
  • Monitor and query all data activity

Automated prevention

  • Remove excessive permissions
  • Fix risky misconfigurations
  • Apply labels and enforce DLP policies

Proactive detection

  • Alert on abnormal behavior
  • Automate threat response actions
  • 24x7x365 incident response support

Incident Response & MDDR

ePlus & Varonis offer Managed Data Detection and Response (MDDR), the industry's first managed service dedicated to stopping threats at the data level.

The service combines Varonis' award-winning threat detection technology and automation with a global team of elite threat hunters, forensics analysts, and incident responders who investigate and respond to threats around the clock.

With ePlus & Varonis MDDR, you get:

  • A dedicated data security expert. Our team is your team. 
  • AI-driven investigations. Data is monitored around the clock. 
  • An industry-best SLA. Our data-centric approach ensures your security posture is always improving.  
  • Immediate time-to-value. We’re up and running in hours, not days or weeks. 

Discover how to proactively protect your data with ease today.


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Coverage for SaaS, IaaS, and more.

ePlus & Varonis protect enterprise data in the largest and most important data stores and applications across the cloud and behind your firewall.

Explore our coverage >>



How a Liberal Arts University Safeguards Its Hybrid Environment with ePlus & Varonis

A private university in the U.S. needed to mitigate the risk posed by threats like ransomware. Protecting sensitive data and student information was the top priority—the school’s reputation and revenue were at stake.

Read the Case Study

Athena AI

Athena AI is embedded within the Varonis Data Security Platform and appears in various user interfaces to drastically speed up security and compliance tasks. Use natural language to conduct in-depth investigations and analyses more efficiently, and transform users of all skill levels at your org into formidable defenders.

See Athena AI in Action

GigaOm Leader for DSPs

Varonis is proud to be named a Leader in GigaOm’s first-ever Radar Report for Data Security Platforms – receiving exceptional "five-star" ratings in DSPM, service integrations, enterprise stack integration, and activity monitoring and behavioral analysis. Download the full report today.

Read the Report

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