Ira A. Hunt, III
Independent Director
Age: 66
Director of ePlus since 2014
Committees: Compensation and Nominating and Corporate Governance
Other Public Company Directorships: None

Mr. Hunt retired from the Central Intelligence Agency in 2013 as their Chief Technology Officer after a 28-year career in intelligence. Since his retirement, he has returned to private consulting practice as President and CEO of Hunt Technology, LLC, which he founded. Hunt Technology, LLC focuses on strategic IT planning, cyber and data-centric security, big data analytics, and cloud computing. From July 2016 through October 2020, he served as Managing Director and Cyber Lead for Accenture Federal Services in Arlington, Virginia, and he has also served as Chief Architect for Bridgewater Associates, the world’s largest hedge fund. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for Mission Link, a non-profit organization, and on the Board of Advisors for Vaga Ventures and LookingGlass. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering and Master of Engineering in Civil/Structural Engineering from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.

The Board believes that Mr. Hunt’s extensive knowledge of the technology industry, including strategic IT planning, cyber and data-centric security, big data analytics, cloud computing, and IT architecture and environment, bring industry expertise to the Board.


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