Data Center 
Why Should Network Programmability Matter to You?

Networking + ePlus Networking Team + Mar 2, 2017

Why Should Network Programmability Matter to You?

We hear a lot about network programmability these days. It's a popular topic at conferences and a common subject in articles and blogs. Many experts and industry analysts are writing and talking about it, mostly in connection with a broader discussion about industry trends and software-defined networking (SDN).

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Is Software-Defined Networking Relevant Outside of the Data Center?

Networking + ePlus Networking Team + Feb 9, 2017

Is Software-Defined Networking Relevant Outside of the Data Center?

What is your strategy for software-defined networking (SDN)? Are you just starting to think about it? Are you already utilizing the technology and realizing the benefits it has to offer? Or do you have the building blocks in place but haven't yet made the transition?

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